City of Lights



City of Lights


Normally around this time the City is preparing for Christmas. there is often an open air market in Broad Street, and a Festival of Light with displays and processions in the centre. Whilst there were some projections still onto buildings, larger gatherings could not take place so the City encouraged local residents to 'light up their streets'. Our local area - Wytham Street, and streets off it - sorted this out on WhatsApp and Facebook and houses put up displays. On Saturday the weather was perfect and there was a real party atmosphere. people put tables out in their front gardens, toasted marshmallows, had mulled wine, and you could walk around and see the lights and chat to neighbours all socially distanced.

Message to the future

This year has engendered some incredibly inventive local community activities - clapping for the NHS, local walks, displays, etc - it would be good if these could continue to happen after the pandemic!


New Hinksey

About the pictures

There were quite a lot of outdoor lights put up in trees but what really struck me were the window displays - like stained glass.

Item sets

This item was submitted on November 23, 2020