Early Morning Coffee



Early Morning Coffee


My Day usually starts with a bowl of weetabix. The pandemic has meant there is a lot less reason to have to go outside and walk around oxford, but going to get a coffee in the morning has been such a nice way to get some fresh air and keep sane! I sometimes go with a friend and have a nice catch up, or simply just enjoy walking around the city. Next, I catch up on any admin for the day, responding to emails or doing my washing. Then the work day starts; I do as much reading as I can before lunch, where I make myself something with a lot of veg to keep myself awake. After that, it's a couple more hours work until I do some yoga and/or a workout. With gyms being shut, I really try to make sure I stay active, as it helps me concentrate later in the day and makes me feel good. Later on, I do a bit more work before dinner and then spend the evening working or socialising depending on my schedule that week. I may have drinks with my flat, or facetime some friends from home (or my dogs)! I try to work out my general plan for the next day before conking out in my nice warm bed.


Corpus Christi College, English Department, Merton Street, Oxford

Item sets

This item was submitted on November 18, 2020