From the start, to the new normal



From the start, to the new normal


I coped ok with online term, I was able to get my essays submitted on time. However, I have never really had much in the way of hobbies so unlike most people I'm not learning a language or practising my instrument, I'm just sort of existing... So a typical day for me now that I have finished term is that I get out of bed at 11, then just watch tv/listen to music until it's time to go to bed at 1am. My parents sometimes take me out on errands, and occasionally I talk to friends online, however I don't have many friends at home so I can't visit anyone, even in a socially distant manner.

Message to the future

For gods sake join some clubs and societies, seriously, you are such a boring person if all you do is watch tv, work, and sleep!


Home, Glasgow



About the pictures

1. My diary entry from when lockdown was announced.
2. A food hamper we were sent as we couldn't go on holiday to Italy to see our friend.
3. The food and toy sharing schemes in my street group chat (before this started I hardly knew anyone, now we are in nearly daily online contact with people!)
4. Tried learning how to cook a little more, made a rhubarb meringue pie.
5. A zoom quiz I made for my friends to do.

Item sets

This item was submitted on June 21, 2020