What is the Lest We Forget project?

Launched in October 2017 following the success of an enormously popular crowdfunding campaign, Lest We Forget was an Oxford University-led project that aimed to capture the memories and stories of the First World War before they were lost to history.

This archive contains stories and items collected at volunteer-led Digital Collection Days, 38 of which were held across the United Kingdom over the course of the project. It also contains items directly uploaded by members of the public.


Can I add stories and items to the archive?

Unfortunately, no more events are planned and our online archive is no longer accepting submissions.

Can I use the material in the archive? 

The material in the archive has been shared by people from across the country under a Creative Commons licence: CC BY-NC. You may reuse the content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the copyright owner. You may want to use the following text: "This material is made available by the Lest We Forget project (http://lwf.it.ox.ac.uk) under a CC BY-NC licence @ [contributor name]."